Disturbing Daisyworld

How will Daisyworld react if we play god and suddenly increase solar luminosity?

daisy2.jpg (21377 bytes) daisy2b.jpg (21235 bytes)
Simply by going into the window called Atmosphere model we can grab the solor input slider and raise
solar input tho the maximum level.


daisy2d.jpg (31498 bytes) What happens to global temperature is illustrated in the history window.  When we increase luminosity the temperature increases intially, and then stabilizes again at a new level (a new homeostatic equilibrium).

The reason for the stabilization is seen in the Biome maps below.  After the temperature increases, the daisies respond so that the light shaded daisies expand in the equatorial regions, and the darkest daisies disappear from the polar regions.

daisy1dsmall.jpg (15880 bytes) daisy2csmall.jpg (21898 bytes)
Before increase in luminosity After increase in luminosity

How will Daisyworld react if we play god and suddenly decrease solar luminosity?

daisy2b.jpg (21235 bytes) daisy3a.jpg (22372 bytes)
By again going into the window called Atmosphere model we can grab the solor input slider and lower
solar input tho the minimum level.


daisy3c.jpg (32713 bytes) What happens to global temperature is again illustrated in the history window.   When we decrease luminosity the temperature decreases intially, and then stabilizes again at a new level (a new homeostatic equilibrium).

The reason for the stabilization is again seen in the Biome maps below.  After the temperature decreases, the daisies respond so that the light shaded daisies decrease in the equatorial regions, and the darkest daisies expand from the polar regions.

daisy2csmall.jpg (21898 bytes) daisy3bsmall.jpg (19486 bytes)
Before decrease in luminosity After decrease in luminosity